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Farmington Baptist Church Upcoming Events & Prayer Needs 8-26-2021

Floating Bridal Shower for Makenna Carter, Saturday, August 28th from 10-11:30am. Xzavier Gunn and Makenna (daughter of Richard and Magan) Carter will be getting married in September. Please make plans to drop by on the 28th and show your support. The happy couple is registered at Target.

Ice Cream Social and Second Quarter Business Meeting, Sunday, August 29th at 5:00pm in Building C. We would LOVE to have homemade ice cream, but you can also bring your favorite store bought flavor. If you can help with this, please let us know by signing up through the Church Center App or sign up on your Communication Card, dropping it in the black box at the double doors. Please bring a chair for the ice cream social.

AWANA Leader’s Meeting, Wednesday, September 1st at 7pm in the Sanctuary of Building C. Our new AWANA year is a couple of weeks away and we are looking forward to seeing the kids. We are excited that some of our teachers from last year are returning but some are not able to. If you could help us teach or encourage our AWANA kids this year in their verse memorization, please make plans to attend our leader meeting on the 1st. If you have any questions, please contact Angie York (336-340-6225) or Brian Myers (336-399-4364) our Co-Commanders.

PARENTS: AWANA Registration is open on the Church Center App and the church website, You may go online and register your child(ren) or you can do it at the parent meeting which will be on Sept 8th, at 7pm, in the Loft (up the stairs across from the Men’s room in Building A). Our AWANA year begins at 6:45pm on September 8th, with Check-In at Building A.

Food Pantry: If you or someone you know needs assistance from our food pantry, please contact Deacon Roger (Ellen) Miller at 336-655-0967.

Prayer Requests: Our church Pastor Phillip and his family Associate Pastor Seth Parnell and his family Pastoral Intern, Jonathan Edwards Our Country Our church Elders & Deacons & their families Kid’s Worship – spiritual growth Our Zambia Church ministry Parker Bailey – monthly chemo treatments Brian Myers’ sister, Amy – cancer and chemo treatments Dustin Goodson – health issues Terry Wrisley – health issues Judy Courchesne – health issues Lori Courchesne’s mother – health issues Hannah Hazelwood’s grandfather, Danny Hazelwood – treatments for Lymphoma Freddie Robinson’s dad, Fred – progression of Parkinson’s Sue Hill, Kelly Hill’s mom – chemo treatments Allison Gupton’s grandmother – health issues Carole Hutton, Patrick Hutton’s mom – recovery from a broken hip Karen Courchesne-Fehr Mandy Bailey – health issues Ashton Conner’s grandmother – has leukemia and is currently in the hospital Ben Wallace – complications after a liver transplant Melissa – the passing of her mother Pauline Quinn, Greg Quinn’s mom – lung cancer & treatment

Amanda Seaford – recovery from LASIK surgery the 24th

Joy Stewart – in the hospital with pneumonia


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