Here at FBC, we have several ways for you to stay plugged in.
Social Media:

Church Center app. This app allows you to access online giving, event signups, volunteer schedules, groups you may want to join, and more. To download the Church Center mobile app on your smart phone (available on both Android and iOS), search for Farmington
Baptist Church, then follow the steps to create your profile.

Like us on Facebook: Farmington Baptist (public page)
We also have a private page you can request to be added to.

Follow our FUEL Student Ministry on Instagram: fbc.fuel

Watch us on YouTube: Farmington Baptist
Remind Texting:
If you would like to receive notifications on your cell phone, text @fbcn to 336-899-0175. You will get a reply message asking you to confirm. This is a great way to receive information on upcoming events, prayer needs and reminders.
1835 Farmington Road
Mocksville, NC 27028
Monthly Newsletter:
Each month a printed newsletter will be given out with FBC news, upcoming events and volunteer schedules.
Communication Card:
Any time you have a prayer request or need to communicate with us, please fill out a communication card. These cards are located in the front lobby. We also insert one in the monthly newsletter.
Small Groups:
Small Groups are designed to form deeper, more intimate relationships with others in our church. It's a time for fellowship, usually food (because where there are church people, there's food), and a chance to dive deeper into the sermon from Sunday morning with questions you go over together, as a group. For more details and a way to let us know you're interested in joining a group, click the link here.
Our church is a serving church and we have many areas for you to serve. Please visit our Church Center App or click here to see our current outreach opportunities and ways you can volunteer.
Bible Study:
Throughout the year we have various Bible Studies for you to choose from. Visit our Church Center App in the Groups section to check for more details.
Visit our Church Center App for details of any upcoming FBC events/signups.