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FBC Upcoming Events & Prayer Needs 9-13-2024


Men's Prayer Breakfast

Men, come out tomorrow, Saturday, September 14th for prayer, fellowship, and of course...breakfast! You’re encouraged to bring your sons with you as well. Meet in building C at 8:30 am.

Small Groups Meet This Week

Galatians Bible Study

A new Sunday morning Bible study begins this Sunday, September 15th. This 11-week study will run through November 24th and will be taught at both 9:30 and 11:00. K-5th and teens will have their own study as well at 11:00 only.

Please click on the link below to let us know if you'd like to attend so we can plan.

***At this time, the 11:00 class is full, however, we have room in the 9:30 and would love to have you***

Wednesday Night Bible Study Resumes

Adult Bible Study - Our study in Mark will begin on September 18th at 7 pm in the Worship Center.

Elders Meeting - Thursday, September 19th at 7pm

FBC Volunteers at Davie High!

FBC loves to support our local schools in many way as a way of thanking them for all they do for our community. One of the ways we do this is to volunteer in the Davie High football concessions stand during a game. We will be helping out next Friday, September 20th. If you can help, please let Katie Johnson know - or 336.240.8969

Here are a few specifics to be aware of:

We need 10 people to volunteer and must be 18 or older to work the windows handling payment. If anyone younger than 18 volunteers, they must be in at least 7th grade and their parent must be in there with them at all times. 

FBC Merch Order

This is probably the biggest order we've taken in a while and we're excited! There's a lot so hang on...

FBC Logo Shirt - short & long sleeve, available in red, blue, and black

FBC Logo Crewneck Sweatshirt - black ONLY

Our CSP (Chicken Stew +) design t-shirt that we released last year - short sleeve ONLY

Our New "Beautiful" Design Shirt - short & long sleeve, available in navy blue & yellow

You can pay online here when you order or you can bring cash or check. If you pay by cash/check, please fill out an order form & drop it, along with your payment, in the box available at the Information Desk in the main lobby. Envelopes will be available. 

Food Pantry - If you know of someone in need of food, please contact Robin Quinn at or (336) 422-7272

We are always accepting food and monetary donations!

Prayer Needs


Whitney Short's nephew, Ralphy George. He is 2 years old and was diagnosed with retinoblastoma. Ralphy's eye injections are working!! If his scan goes well next month, they will stop the injections.

Rose Dinkins, Robin Quinn's sister-in-law, and her great grandson Trevel.   Trevel's mom passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday. 

Paul Stewart and his grandson, Sammy - in Zambia

On-Going …

Our Country

Our Military

Pastor, Phillip Brande, and his family

Associate Pastor, Seth Parnell, and his family

Pastoral Assistant, Greyson Snyder

Our church Elders, Deacons, and their families

Children/Youth ministries

Progress on our new TRAC building

FBC Supported Missions ...

Michael Sikaonga, FBC Zambia

Raju, Life Givers India

Chad & Ashley Harwell, Word of Life

David & Liz Roach, Awana

Steven & Cindy Jobert, Taiwan

Hope Community Church, as we continue to partner with them to revitalize their church and grow their membership

South Yadkin Baptist Association

Baptist State Convention of NC

Individual Prayer Needs …

Lori Courchesne’s mother, Myrna Miller – heart issues and brother, Brian Wrisley – Parkinson’s

Dustin Goodson – health issues

Allison Gupton’s grandmother – vascular dementia

Greg Quinn's mother, Pauline - stage 4 lung cancer

Sheila Blanton - cancer

Burt Bond from Vulcan – stage 4 cancer

Penny Bell – Stage 5 kidney disease

Megan Melton's mom, Susan - kidney issues

Amanda Seaford’s mom, Jeanette Jewell – cancer

Skip & Sheila Taylor - both have cancer

Angie Wooten - cancer

Larry Isom - cancer

Jeff Lagle - heart issues

Mary Siebert - cancer

Cathy Dinghan - cancer

Colby Hargraves - cancer

Caroline Stolz - cancer

Karen Cook's aunt, Alma Rae Tucciarone - congestive heart failure

Nicole Brande - continued recovery from surgery

Darren Law - health issues

Coleen Walker's brother-on-law, Jim - treatments for leukemia

Kasey Harrington - cancer

Jimmy Mullins - recovering from hip surgery

Eddie & Shirley Everhardt - health issues

Matt & Gina Brumfield - their daughter, Evers, has an aggressive brain tumor

Carrie Ratledge's mother, Debbie Tenery - lung cancer, radiation and chemo treatments

Gary Goodman - health issues

Brittany Kues' - mom, Kathy Marshburn recovering from a stroke

Janet Robbins' sister, Penny - cancer

Brittani Zachary - pregnancy complications


Will & Ashlyn Berrier welcomed their daughter, Ava into the world yesterday, September 12th at 8:55 am, weighing 7lbs, 6oz. Congratulations Will, Ashlyn and big sister, Rayneh!

If you have a Prayer Request, please email us at 


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