FaithFest 2022, last day to sign up is today, August 19th. This is a great "welcome to FUEL" event for your upcoming 6th grader! Click here for details and to sign up.
Bible Studies – Volume 3 Our next volume of Bible Studies will be a Men’s study, Kingdom Men Rising, by Tony Evans and a Ladies Study, No Other Gods, by Kelly Minter. These studies will be for 8 weeks and will begin August 28th at both 9:30 and 11:00am.
You can sign up here:
Or, you can sign up with a Communication Card located by the front doors.
Sparks Water Day, Sunday, August 21st after the 11:00am service until 3pm. Parents, register your child here for this event. All kids will need to bring a towel and a change of clothes. If you have any questions, please contact Coleen Walker at 336-701-1567.
Pinebrook Elementary Breakfast, Tuesday, August 23rd. If you signed up to bring food, please drop your items off at 7:00am the morning of the 23rd. If you have items other than a casserole, feel free to leave your items in the main kitchen on Sunday (21st) or Monday (22nd). Those that signed up to serve, please meet Laverne at the school @ 7:15am.
New Connections Class, Tuesday, August 23rd at 6:30pm. This class is a great way to find out how FBC operates, ask questions, and find out how to become a member. You are not required to join because you've attended, but we would love to have you join our FBC family!
Please click here to sign up so Pastor Phillip will know who to expect.
**Please note new date** The AWANA volunteer meeting has been changed to Wednesday, August 24th at 7pm in the Worship Center of the main building. We still need several volunteers. Please sign up here if you can help us with our AWANA program this year as a class leader, small group leader, etc.
Food Pantry: If you or someone you know needs assistance from our food pantry, please contact Deacon Roger (Ellen) Miller at 336-655-0967.
Prayer Requests:
New …
Lauren Phipps - admitted to the hospital yesterday, the 18th
Jacob Leonard - recovery from knee surgery on the 15th
For church partners to help us revitalize Welcome Baptist Church for God’s glory.
AWANA volunteers
On-Going … Our Country
Our Military
Pastor Phillip and his family
Associate Pastor Seth Parnell and his family
Our church Elders, Deacons & their families
Our church Intern Greyson Snyder
Kid’s Worship – spiritual growth and salvations
AWANA – spiritual growth and salvations
FUEL – spiritual growth and salvations
Revitalization of Welcome Baptist Church
Our Zambia Church ministry
Individual Prayer Needs …
Sue Hill, Kelly Hill’s mom – chemo treatments for stage 4 cancer
Ashton Conner’s Grandmother - leukemia
Karen Courchesne-Fehr – cancer
Pauline Quinn, Greg Quinn’s mom – Stage 4 lung cancer & chemo treatments
Allison Gupton’s grandmother – health issues
Dustin Goodson – on-going health issues
Lori Courchesne’s mother – heart issues
Josh Gupton’s step-grandmother Mary Lou who has dementia, cancer and other health issues
Kendrick Fruits’ grandmother – on-going health issues
Jessica Draper – cancer treatments
Jaclyn Hursey – cancer and chemo treatments
The Romaine Family (Missionaries in Spain) – Their son has been diagnosed with a brain tumor.
Hannah Hazelwood – as she is preparing to work with a missionary in Spain for a year
Mr. Bond from Vulcan – cancer
Doug Ivestor – lung cancer
Lori Courchesne’s brother, Brian Wrisley – fast progression of Parkinson’s
Coleen Walker’s brother-in-law – continued recovery from leukemia treatment
Amanda Seaford’s mom, Jeanette Jewell – cancer and chemo treatments
Sherry King – recovery from total knee replacement
Adeline (Andy & Emily) Hamilton – full recovery from a fall
Freddie Robinson's dad, Fred - in a Rehab facility, declining health issues
Freddie Robinson's brother - waiting to be scheduled for an upcoming surgery
Michael & Shelby Sterchi’s son, John - pneumonia, back pain
Brian Myers' sister, Amy is in remission. She's been told she is cancer free
The birth of Warner Cade Phipps to Justin & Lauren this past Saturday, the 13th
The birth of Jackson Cole Hawes to Sid & Kate this past Wednesday the 17th
If you have a Prayer Request, please email us at