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FBC Upcoming Events & Prayer Needs 6-15-2023


FUEL: Middle School Hangout, Friday, June 16th

Middle school students! Join us on June 16th from 6-8:30 PM, for an extra special middle school hangout! We will be leaving the church at 6pm and traveling to Jim & Dawn Davis's home for a Pinball Extravaganza! Click here to sign up.

This is a FREE event and some snacks will be provided, but you will need to plan to eat dinner before you come to the church. We will return to the church at 8:30.

Hope to see you there!

FUEL: Ignition - Middle School, Tuesday, June 20th 3:30-5:00 pm.

You may be asking, What’s Ignition? Now that the teens are out of school for the summer, we are opening up the church on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00 to give them a chance to hang out with friends.

Here is how it will look. We are turning the upstairs loft into a lounge area, which will serve as a game/hangout area. When teens arrive we will have snacks and then transition into a discussion time centered around their devotionals for that week, when we are finished with our discussion time we’ll simply hangout, and play games.

Please click here to register your teen for this event. This helps us plan transportation for those kids that need a ride and volunteers.

Summer Spectacular Work Night, Wednesday, June 21st.

Summer Spec will be here before you know it and there are always several projects we need help with. If you can come help, we could definitely use the extra hands! Meet us in the back parking lot around 6:30 pm.

Elders Meeting, Thursday, June 22nd

Food Pantry - If you know of someone in need of food, please contact Robin Quinn at or (336) 422-7272

We are always accepting food donations!

Prayer Needs:


Penny Bell – Stage 5 kidney disease. Penny is back in ICU. Pray she can be transferred to a regular room then back home soon.

Sheila Blanton - Cancer - starts treatments soon

On-Going …

Our Country

Our Military

Pastor Phillip and his family

Associate Pastor Seth Parnell and his family

Intern, Greyson Snyder

Our church Elders, Deacons, and their families

Kid’s Worship – spiritual growth and salvations

Our Zambia Church ministry – growth and salvations

Welcome Baptist Church, Phase 2 - Pray for a full-time pastor, growth, and needed renovations

Individual Prayer Needs …

Lori Courchesne’s mother, Myrna Miller – heart issues and brother, Brian Wrisley – Parkinson’s

Jessica Draper – cancer treatments

Doug Ivestor – lung cancer

Amanda Seaford’s mom, Jeanette Jewell – cancer and chemo treatments

Dustin Goodson – health issues

Brian Myers’ sister – cancer/health issues

Yvonne (Wes) Holcomb's brother, Matt McKnight - pancreatic cancer

Mr. Bond from Vulcan – cancer

Pam Messick- health issues

Hannah Hazelwood - in Spain to assist local missionaries

Melissa Wilmoth - cancer

Carrie Ratledge's brother, Josh - health issues

Allison Gupton’s grandmother – vascular dementia

Lindsey Hunter's father, Sam Rule - bladder cancer - he's half way through his chemo treatments and doing well.

Barbie Bailey - cancer

Lori Courchesne's neighbor, Mary Siebert - cancer

Mark Burnette (friend of Carl & Vicky Stolz) - Has had a 2nd stroke within months (possibly paralyzed). Pray for his wife also as she now cares for him and their son who has Cerebral Palsy.

Jaclyn Hursey - recovery from surgery

Katie Johnson's brother, Keith - waiting on results from PET scan on Wednesday, June 7th.

David Moore - recovery from kidney transplant

Greg Quinn's mother, Pauline - stage 4 lung cancer - pray for the swelling in her legs/feet to get under control.

Jason Evans - better job opportunities

If you have a Prayer Request, please email us at


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