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FBC Upcoming Events & Prayer Needs 3-23-2023


Deacons Meeting, tonight at 7:00 pm

Small Groups meet this week

Easter Egg Hunt Candy Collection is still going on through April 2nd. We still need lots of small candy that can fit in a plastic chocolate please as it can melt in the sun. The Candy Drop-off is located in the front lobby.

We also still need volunteers to help with the egg hunt on Saturday, April 8th at 10:30 am. We have lots of egg stuffers/hiders, so at this point our biggest needs are guides and food team. Let us know how you can help by signing up here or fill out a Volunteer Card located in the lobby.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering continues through the end of March. The offering is intended to assist in home missions, church planting and other ministries. This year, all monies collected will go to continue to revitalization of Welcome Baptist Church in Statesville, NC. You can find missions envelopes in the lobby and Worship Center. Also, online givers, you can select Annie Armstrong as you give as well.

Awana Store, this Wednesday, April 29th - clubbers, be ready to spend those hard-earned Awana bucks!!

Prayer Needs:

New …

Barbie Pollard - cancer treatments

Hannah Hazelwood's family - her grandfather passed away. Please also pray for Hannah as she is coming home from Spain for the funeral.

As our Week of Prayer continues - pray today for a greater connection to be made with Welcome Baptist Church and their surrounding community

On-Going …

Our Country

Our Military

Pastor Phillip and his family

Associate Pastor Seth Parnell and his family

Intern, Greyson Snyder

Our church Elders, Deacons, and their families

Kid’s Worship – spiritual growth and salvations

AWANA – spiritual growth and salvations

FUEL – spiritual growth and salvations

Our Zambia Church ministry – growth and salvations

Welcome Baptist Church, Phase 2 - Pray for a full-time pastor, growth, and needed renovations

Individual Prayer Needs …

Lori Courchesne’s family members: sister-in-law, Karen Courchesne-Fehr- cancer; mother, Myrna Miller – heart issues and brother, Brian Wrisley – Parkinson’s

Josh Gupton’s step-grandmother Mary Lou who has dementia, cancer and other health issues

Kendrick Fruits’ grandmother – on-going health issues

Jessica Draper – cancer treatments

Doug Ivestor – lung cancer

Amanda Seaford’s mom, Jeanette Jewell – cancer and chemo treatments

Dustin Goodson – health issues

Brian Myers’ sister – health issues

Pat Law – sciatica issues

Yvonne (Wes) Holcomb - her brother, Matt McKnight - pancreatic cancer

Jaclyn Hursey – Cancer

Mr. Bond from Vulcan – cancer

Pam Messick- health issues

Hannah Hazelwood - in Spain to assist local missionaries through July

Cindy Martin - Rare form of a cancer in her muscles

Melissa Wilmoth - cancer

Penny Bell – Stage 5 kidney disease. Pray she will regain her eyesight so she can read.

Ron Marion - health issues

Jim Coy's niece, Isabelle Coy, (16) was diagnosed w/leukemia

Brooke Lowder's dad, Terry - continuing health issues

Carrie Ratledge's brother, Josh - health issues

Ron & Vickie Hamilton - health issues

Shelby Sterchi - recovery from previous procedures/operations

Karen Cook - recovery from surgery for her broken ankle

Allison Gupton’s grandmother – fell recently and broke her arm

Lindsay Hunter's father, Sam Rule - bladder cancer

Dennis Bell, pastor of River City Church, fell recently - temporary paralysis

Allison Hardin - recovering from recent surgery

Katie Johnson's brother, Keith - at home, still on feeding tube

Greg Quinn's mother, Pauline - stage 4 lung cancer - chemo has been stopped for now - she has a brain scan on March 31st.

Hannah Hazelwood's grandmother - fell down her basement steps

Praise!! Donald Sacco (Vicky Stolz's cousin) - Donald’s surgery was a success. They think they removed all of the cancer. Thanks be to God!

If you have a Prayer Request, please email us at


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