T-Shirt Orders: We extended the time to order FBC & This Truly Changed Me (TTCM) T-shirts to July 5th. You can place an order on-line for the FBC t-shirt here or the TTCM t-shirt here. Order forms are also available at the Welcome Desk Sunday. Payment is due when the order is placed.
Ignition: July 6th from 3:30-5pm. This week Ignition will ONLY be for our rising 10th thru 12th grade students. You can learn more about Ignition through the Church Center App.
Summer Spec Work Night, Wednesday, July 7th. We have several projects for our kids show. Please plan on meeting us in the back parking lot on the 7th at 7pm.
Floating Baby Shower, Saturday, July 10th from 10-11:30am. Please help us “Welcome” Will & Ashlyn Berrier to FBC and shower their little girl, who is due August 3rd, with blessings. Will & Ashlyn would love to meet you and since this is their first child, there are many things they need. Will & Ashlyn are registered at Amazon and Bed Bath & Beyond.
Summer Spectacular (July25-28th) For those of you wondering, “What is Summer Spectacular?” it is an awesome show for kids age 3 through those who have completed the 5th grade. The Bible stories are engaging, the games are exciting, the music is interactive, the entire experience is memorable, and so much fun!
We are still in need of a few more volunteers: Stunt Crewsmen (Games); K-5th Tour Guides; Preschool Actors; Preschool Stars (Teachers); and folks that can work Anywhere (because unexpected things do pop up).
Please let us know where you can serve in helping us spread the Love of Jesus by signing up here or let us know through the Communication Card Sunday. Mark your calendars because your child and you , will definitely not want to miss it!
Summer Spectacular Pre-Registration is now open. Please register your child Age 3-5th grade (grade just completed) through the Church Center App here or complete your Communication Card with your child(ren) name(s)and place in the black box as you exit. Pre-Registration allows you to get a FAST Pass for a quick check in.
Food Pantry: If you or someone you know needs assistance from our food pantry, please contact Deacon Roger (Ellen) Miller at 336-655-0967.
Prayer Requests:
Our Country
Summer Spectacular
Paul Stewart – recovery from surgery earlier in this week
Hannah Hazelwood’s grandfather, Danny Hazelwood- treatments for lymphoma
Zachary Ausel (5yr old)& his parents - cancer
Parker Bailey – monthly chemo treatments
Brian Myers sister, Amy – cancer
Myrna Miller (Lori Courchesne’s mom) – health issues
Terry Wrisley – health issues
Judy Courchesne – health issues
Dustin Goodson – health issues
Janet Sunderman – health issues
Michele Johnson – health issues