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Candy, Chickens, and Trunks...oh my!

Updated: Oct 7, 2020

We need LOTS and LOTS of Candy for our trunk or treat hayride. We will take any kind of candy you have already purchased.

If you haven't purchased any yet, please consider donating the following: moon pies; gummy fruit packets; Rice Krispy Treats; Juicy Fruit Gum; Laffy Taffy; Ring Pops; Sleeve of Gum Balls; Regular Size Candy Bars of the following: Snickers; M&M’s; Mr. Goodbar; $1 Million Dollar Bar; Starbust; Skittles; Three Muskateer’s; Milky Way; Butterfinger; Almond Joy

With these specific items, the coordinator is planning on attaching sayings such as: Jesus satisfies. You are precious to Jesus. God is good. You are priceless. He counts the stars and calls them by name, etc

WHATEVER you can provide will be deeply appreciated. We are looking forward to seeing the Lord work through this community outreach.

We still need people to decorate their trunks for the Life of Christ. Please sign up today! Chicken Stew To Go Volunteer Sign-Up

P.S. – Don’t forget, this year we are asking for cash/check donations for the chickens that will be used to make the chicken stew. Mr. Jimmy has a contact from whom he can get the chickens at a reasonable cost. Please write on the check or envelope that the money is for the chickens.

Thank you for your help with this ministry!


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